Providing quality information services in the Nigerian private university system registry : a competitive intelligence approach
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Journal of Communication and Culture: International Perspective
Quality information delivery is vital to the success of an organization. This
becomes most significant in the era where organizations, whether manufacturing
or educational are daily engaged in competition to gain and retain a significant
pool of customers. One concept that has played key role on assisting organizations
to gain advantage over their competitors is the Competitive Intelligence (CI)
approach. This study, using the Gaps Model of Service Quality Theory and Keiser
(2002) ten steps of competitive intelligence process to argue that Nigerian Private
University System Registry (NPUSR), in the midst of competitors and the desire
to provide quality information service could make use of the CI approach to
determine its weaknesses and potentials and subsequently employ strategies in
human and materials resources to significantly improve its information service
delivery to all its stakeholders. It thus proposes steps such as effective marketing
of Information Services, quality staff-customer relationship, optimum and efficient
use of Information Technology in quality information service delivery that could
be taken by NPUSR to enhance their services delivery to reposition them in the
emerging competitive market of student admission.
Information, quality services, competitive intelligence