Effects of Job satisfaction on the effectiveness of students' records management in South-South Nigerian Universities
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International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science
This study provides empirical evidence regarding the effects of job satisfaction on the effectiveness of
students’ records management in South-South Nigerian universities. A survey research design was employed
for the study. Based on equal representation, three each of the three types of universities were randomly
selected as the sample population. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select 564 from
1,123 officers managing students’ records. . Data was collected with a self-structured questionnaire.
Descriptive statistics and multiple regression analyses were used to analyze the data. The results revealed
that at 0.05 level of significance, p-value of (0.0000, 0.1219 and 0.2639) job satisfaction significantly
influenced students’ records management effectiveness in federal universities but not in state and private
universities. Findings of this research provides university administrators and records managers with better
understanding on how job satisfaction influences the effectiveness of students’ records management in the
different types of university in South-South, Nigeria.
Administrators, Job satisfaction, Records officers, Records management Effectiveness, Universities