The influence of effective campus chaplaincy on student character formation at Kongowe Adventist Primary School, South-East Conference, Tanzania
Mafwimbo, Wilfred
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Adventist University of Africa, Theological Seminary
In recent years the Seventh-day Adventist denomination has become more
aware of the importance of campus chaplaincy concerning character formation hence
the presence of campus chaplains in most schools. However, there has been a scarcity
of studies dealing with the issue.
This project was to develop and train school administration, teachers, and
pupils on the importance of being supportive of chaplaincy work concerning character
formation. A theological undergirding for this project was developed from the biblical
motif of the ministry of presence that pervades the entire Old Testament where it was
seen God was a chaplain in Edenic school, Abraham was clan chaplain in his conflict
with Lot; Elisha was a chaplain in the schools of prophets; Daniel was a Chief of Staff
chaplain in courts of Babylon. In the New Testament the ministry of presence has
depicted Jesus as a Chaplain of chaplains especially in the gracious ways he dealt with
the Samaritan woman and Nicodemus. The literature review further indicated that four institutions involve chaplaincy, i.e., the military, healthcare, prisons, and campus
chaplaincy. In all of these, campus ministries are least researched both in Tanzania
and elsewhere.
The field research findings indicated that the issue of character formation
cannot stand-alone without the support of school administration, teachers, and pupils.
The specific findings show the school administration was not supportive by not
building the school church and equipping the library with the Spirit of Prophecy
books; the teachers were not integrating faith and learning and pupils were not seeing
any importance in reading Bibles and spirit of prophecy books.
The study structured a one-month intervention to Administration, Teachers,
and Pupils around the determining issues. As a result of this study, the school
administration became aware of the need to build a school church and equip the
library with Spirit of Prophecy books; the teachers became aware of the importance to
integrate faith and learning and pledged to begin doing so; the pupils became aware
on the importance of reading and owning Spirit of prophecy books because they have
a crucial role in character formation.
Full Text Project
Campus chaplaincy, Character formation, Kongowe Adventist Primary School -- Tanzania