A strategy to alleviate poverty among members of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Kahondo, Western Uganda Field

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Kaahwa, Bright Amos

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Adventist University of Africa, Theological Seminary


Poverty among the members of Kahondo Seventh Adventist Church brings a major financial challenge in their homesteads and to Western Uganda Field as well because the members are not effectively supporting the mission of the church through their tithes and offerings. The purpose of this study is to design, implement and evaluate a strategy to alleviate poverty among the members of Seventh-day Adventist Church Kahondo. After the literature review, the researcher designed the lessons which were giving the principles from the bible and the writings of Ellen G. White about poverty alleviation. In the implementation period church members were visited by the researcher, their pastor and other church officers. After visitation the questionnaires were administered to the members who were later followed by the seminars that begun late May-June 2012.During the program implementation church members expressed the desire to put into practice all the principles that they learnt in the seminars in order to alleviate poverty among themselves. After the program implementation the researcher realized that poverty alleviation should be mainstreamed in all the departments of the church field wide.


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SDA members -- Poverty, Uganda -- Kahondo, Western Uganda Field
