Teddy, Ah Kiune2022-07-132022-07-132014-06http://irepository.aua.ac.ke/handle/123456789/408Full Text ProjectThe responsibility of bringing children into the world should not be taken lightly. Teaching and nurturing children in God’s way should be systematic and daily in a family’s life. Parents should become agent of change in the spiritual development of their children, for education involves no so much what we do or say, but most of all what we are. Not only in the families, but the churches should be collaborating agent, in the spiritual development of children. Even though teaching the faith is a hot topic these days in the families and churches, according to King Solomon a child should be trained in the way he/she should go so that when old will not depart from it (Prov 22:6). Both the Bible and Ellen G White taught that the spiritual development of children should be a priority for families and churches. Parents needed to refocus their priorities about raising their children’s in God ways.The author of this work has developed micro programmes for children in Mahébourg and L’Escalier Adventist Churches in Grand Port Savanne district. The implementation started in 2012. The strategic planning involved two phases: the study on the theology of children and their development, implementation and evaluation of the micro programs. The focus was to create awareness among the parents and church to have a child centred approach, where a nurturing environment drew the child toward his Saviour. The study drew conclusion such as children were not being cared for into the spiritual life of the family and churches. For the children to be raised in God’s way, parents had to invest time and resources in them. Child-centred spiritual activities and programs needed to be designed and implemented. Raising children spiritually required the involvement of parents, local church leadership and the Conference.Children -- TeachingChildren -- NurturingMauritius -- South-West ConferenceA Strategy to raise Children in God's way in South, South-West of Mauritius ConferenceThesis