Alla-Hoki, Pascal2022-03-032022-03-032014-06 Text ProjectChrist mandated the Church to "make disciples" (Matt.28:19,200) and has equipped the Church for the task through provision of ministries. The preaching, teaching, and healing ministries have been the methods he used during his ministry on earth. Since the ministry of teaching had brought its results during the ages, the Church has to make advantage of it in the city of Ngaoundéré to reach Muslims. The research will then explore the topic of education through the Bible, Ellen G. White writings, the Qur’an, the Hadiths and other secular authors’ writings in order to establish the pertinence of the project. Finally a strategy of reaching Muslims through Adventist Education will be designed taking in account the general context of the city of Ngaoundéré. Muslims are unreachable people. The matter is just to develop an appropriate strategy. Converting any type of religion to Christianity is hard enough. When Christians have to convert Muslims to Christianity, the task is harder because a Muslim, more than anyone else, is shaped in a kind of beliefs and practices from his earliest childhood. That is why; prayer is one of the important things to be recommended in the process of reaching Muslims. The commitment of all the church members is also necessary.Adventist EducationReaching MuslimsCameroon -- NgaoundereDeveloping a strategy to reach Muslims through Adventist Education in NgaoundereThesis